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Have you ever moved or thought of moving to a new country?

The journey of moving to a new country is always a roller coaster ride, during which people experience various emotions, such as
Excited, Looking Forward, Hope

However, as the process begins and they become uncertain or unaware of the challenges they might face before or after moving, their emotions shift to
Fear, Anxiety, Helplessness, Frustrations 😰

They visit 10-20 different places to find answers to these questions.

So, what can we do to assist them in achieving an Issue-Free move from

The Why Behind

"Canada welcomes approximately 500,000 new immigrants every year, constituting roughly 23% of the total population."

As I delved into my research, my approach was to determine whether problems genuinely exist and, if so, to identify the specific challenges newcomers face.

Through my research, I uncovered some of the top challenges faced by newcomers:

After identifying these challenges, I sought to understand how individuals seek solutions to these problems. This was crucial because successful newcomers in Canada find answers to their questions.


To gain insights into their search for answers, along with their needs and frustrations, I conducted user interviews with 10-15 participants representing diverse demographics, including students, single landed immigrants, and those moving with their families.

The process of finding interviewees was enjoyable, given the significant number of people relocating to Canada each year from various countries, each with their own languages, sociopolitical backgrounds, and experiences.

Based on the results of these interviews, I identified three primary avenues for assistance:

  1. Access to Service Agents: Many individuals seek support from various agents offering services such as job placement and accommodation.

  2. Guidance from Local Mentors: People value assistance with tasks like job referrals and becoming familiar with the city from local mentors.

  3. Connecting with Peers: Many newcomers desire connections with others who are arriving around the same time or studying at the same school.

Defining the Data

Combining a wide range of insights and needs into a single persona proved challenging. However, in order to gain a profound understanding of the target audience and answer one of the most crucial questions, 'Who are we designing for?' I developed an archetype that captures the goals, behaviors, and frustrations of real users.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the tasks necessary to achieve this goal, serving as the foundation for potential screen ideation.

User Story: As a newcomer to Canada I want to connect with various service agents so that I can get access to reliable information

Generating Ideas

After completing the research and defining the problem, the next step was to create ideas for digital wireframes and an interactive prototype using defined typographic styles, colors, and a robust set of UI elements. These were then tested with users to gather feedback and identify any potential flaws early in the process.

Testing the designs

To better understand user behavior, motivations, and gather feedback for improvement, I conducted two rounds of usability testing with 10 participants. I evaluated task completion and identified areas for improvement in the app.

During the tests, most users successfully completed the flow, but some design changes were recommended. I used this feedback to create prioritization matrices for each session and mapped the changes on an Impact vs. Effort graph

Marketing your idea

To better understand user behavior, motivations, and gather feedback for improvement, I conducted two rounds of usability testing with 10 participants. I evaluated task completion and identified areas for improvement in the app.

During the tests, most users successfully completed the flow, but some design changes were recommended. I used this feedback to create prioritization matrices for each session and mapped the changes on an Impact vs. Effort graph

Key Learnings


I was accustomed to addressing business problems by jumping straight to solutions. However, the user-centered design approach has shifted my focus to users and their needs throughout each phase of the design process.


It's essential to refine the product with each iteration rather than striving for perfection in the first version.


I learned the importance of user testing findings in early-stage design and the value of prioritizing and addressing issues based on severity to improve the flow.

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